Susan Roskell Memorial Toy & Gift Drive
The Toy Drive donates toys and gifts to disadvantaged children in the Hunter Valley region of NSW. We believe that a simple gesture of kindness through the gift of toys can be enough to help children cope with some of the challenges they face. This giving also assists their families and carers knowing that their children can still enjoy beautiful moments in life.
The Toy Drive is an initiative of the Sheldon family. In 2016 Tood, Penny and Lachlan responded to a request from a local cinema to support struggling families during the festive season and donated wrapped gifts to a wishing tree. From this the idea of an annual Toy Drive was born.
In 2020, Todd’s mum was diagnosed with stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer and being the fighter she was, battled on bravely until her passing on the 28th October 2021. At the completion of the 2021 Toy and Gift Drive the name of the Toy Drive was changed to the Susan Roskell Toy and Gift Drive.
Our hope is that the Susan Roskell Toy and Gift Drive will continue to help kids and their families in need for many years to come.
Susan Roskell Memorial Toy & Gift Drive
The Toy Drive donated toys to disadvantaged children in the Hunter Valley region of NSW. We believe that a simple gesture of kindness through the gift of toys can be enough to help children cope with some of the challenges they face. This giving also assists their families and carers knowing that their children can still enjoy beautiful moments in life.
The Toy Drive is an initiative of the Sheldon family. In 2016 Tood, Penny and Lachlan responded to a request from a local cinema to support struggling families during the festive season and donated wrapped gifts to a wishing tree. From this the idea of an annual Toy Drive was born.
In 2020, Todd’s mum was diagnosed with stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer and being the fighter she was, battled on bravely until her passing on the 28th October 2021. At the completion of the 2021 Toy and Gift Drive the name of the Toy Drive was changed to the Susan Roskell Toy and Gift Drive.
Our hope is that the Susan Roskell Toy and Gift Drive will continue to help kids and their families in need for many years to come.

2024 marks the 9th year of the Toy Drive!
With each year since the first toy drive in 2016, the donations have steadily increased with thousands of Toys and Gifts being given to approved local charities and community organisations.
Our main focus has always been families affected by Domestic Violence and this will always be very important. This year, we will be broadening our support to include families affected by Mental Health and to provide support to families that have stepped up to take care of children in the event that mum and or dad are unable. We will also be looking at widening our areas of support.
It is heartening to see that with every year, the support from the community and small businesses has grown which enables us to support the ever-increasing number of families that are seeking support and assistance. We also have families who take it upon themselves to organise their own drives to support the annual Toy and Gift Drive.
Again many local businesses, community and sporting clubs have volunteered to be drop off points for people wishing to donate new, unwrapped toys and gifts. Thanks you!